Financial journalism + financial coaching = step by step improvement in your wealth

Enroll. Shop. Watch. Capitalize.

Partnering with you on the journey to your financial goals to have more assets and income with less debt & stress.

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Access support to – EARN more, GROW to the next level and MANAGE your wealth wisely.

Where do you need support?
● Acquiring Assets – plan and implement the required actions to build your portfolio with
● Habit Revamp- reduce spending by targeting problem habits and replacing them
● Money Mindset- map out an set up your invisible system that actually runs your money
● Debt Payoff Plan- create a plan to pay off your debts, sustainably…once and for all
● Income Increasing- get a raise, promotion, new opportunity
● Business Acceleration- get revenue flowing fast.
● Generational Patterns- break free of your parents bulls*t and create on your own terms

Who is this for?

This offer is perfect for the professional who is:
● Burning with desire for financial freedom and security.
● Willing to look at habits, mindsets, emotions around money
● Letting go of the past to create something new
● Desirous of becoming a millionaire in this lifetime.

Financial journalism + financial coaching = step-by-step improvement in your wealth

It’s my mission to leverage the public relations platform of the Financially Focused show to put the spotlight on awesome global businesses and international organizations that help clients make more and have more with ease and less struggle. Using the information gathered as a financial journalist, I help my business and financial coaching clients make wise decisions that give them a boost in taking action to make their financial dreams a reality.

I teach 6-figure entrepreneurs & professionals how to build generational wealth

Do you want to achieve certain goals, gain more control over your money, or solve a specific financial challenge? Let Coach Dennise Williams of Financially Focused assist you in creating a realistic, action-oriented cash confident strategy to reach your goals and take your finances to the next level by creating a step by step plan of action to build generational wealth.

Our 1 year coaching program answers the questions of high potential career executives and business owners, such as –

Make the decision to sign up now to:

Experience a supportive environment now.

The Build Generational Wealth coaching program could be the most significant decision you ever will make…and here’s why…

The Affluent and Wealthy Leverage Their Time, Money and Resources different from everyone else.

Let me guide you to an new level of being financially focused.

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Welcome to the Financially Focused community!

The Mission to build your Money is Simple :: You already know how to make the money, let me help you MULTIPLY your money. Our community will help THINKERS, DREAMERS, DO-ERS with POSITIVE ENERGY become financially aware of opportunities to grow what they are already earning. In a supportive environment, you will grow financial confidence through imperfect action. With the action plans in the Financially Focused community, you will have the tools to take INSPIRED ACTION. I am a mom, multi-passionate entrepreneur, motivator, and money-maker! My two sons are my reason to push through every day. My second son with Downs Syndrome is my reason to know that so many possibility thinkers want to fund a vision that they believe they can achieve and build generational wealth for their families and community. And in the Financially Focused community you will have access to our Financial Success workbooks, courses and coaching sessions that offer a pathway to a better relationship with money. I did it. So can you.

When I first started investing

Approved Financial Counselor. Marketing Consultant. Real Estate Investor. Journalist. Mom…Anything I put my mind to, I believed I could achieve. But when I decided to get off the corporate grind to become an investment instructor, no matter how I hard I worked, the money just didn’t match my motivation. So I dedicated myself to understanding the process of using 12 Financial Power Tools to build my money map. And I promised myself that if I ever figured this thing out, I would share everything I know. This site is a space for THINKERS, DREAMERS, DO-ERS, POSSIBILITY THINKERS and MOTIVATED INVESTORS, PROFESSIONALS and ENTREPRENUERS who want to multiply their money.

This is a space rich in actionable advice that is easy to digest and easy to implement and provide tools to help YOU! If your relationship with your banker, investment advisor, insurance agent is not supportive and helping you satisfy your desire to finance your life, YOU CAME TO THE RIGHT PLACE. You may have no idea how to turn your CURRENT INCOME into more dollars. You will learn that here. You may be clueless about how to master your money mindset. You will learn that here. You may not even have a mentor that can show you exactly what it takes to build a money map using 12 Financial Power Tools. You, my friend, will GET that here. My dream for YOU is that one day you wake up and look at your bank account and say I just grew to 6-figures!

I Believe We Should All Be $100K Investors! Financial Success Academy Is THE Place Where Aspiring Money Multipliers Go To Be Educated, Empowered, and Equipped With The Skills They Need To Build 6-Figure Money Maps using 12 Financial Power Tools. Think Of It As Your One-Stop Shop To UNLIMITED Inspiration And Information Designed To Teach You How To MULTIPLY your money WITHOUT Having To Stalk Your Financial Advisor, Banker or Insurance Agent. Ready To Make Money Moves?

Enjoy the blog.

Packed with tons of in-depth blog posts designed to help you take action and Multiply your Money with 12 Financial Power Tools. Guaranteed to make you say: “Did she really mean to give this away for free?!”

The Financially Focused on Wealth Facebook Group is the best place for THINKERS, DREAMERS, DO-ERS with POSITIVE ENERGY become financially aware of opportunities to grow what they are already earning with game-changing training from me. This is where I share all things money, mindset, and investing. If you’re ready to level up and learn the skills needed to create an income boosting money map using 12 Financial Power Tools, this is where you can find and save many of my best-kept secrets FOR FREE!

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Greetings! I’m Dennise

Financial Success Coach using 12 Financial Tools, Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur, And Money Multiplier Course Creator!

It’s my mission to leverage the public relations platform of the Financially Focused show to put the spotlight on awesome global businesses and international organizations that help clients make more and have more with ease and less struggle. Using the information gathered as a financial journalist, I help my business and financial coaching clients make wise decisions that give them a boost in taking action to make their financial dreams a reality.

FIND ME ON Social network

Ready to MULTIPLY your money?

Join THINKERS, DREAMERS, DO-ERS, POSSIBILITY THINKERS and MOTIVATED INVESTORS, PROFESSIONALS and ENTREPRENUERS who want to multiply their money and get access to my free library of workbooks, resources, and guides for money multipliers.

You know how to make the money, let me help you MULTIPLY your money.


Are you a possibility thinker, ready to build a money map to finance the life you deserve?

Get the STRATEGIC money map I used to turn from a burnt out corporate desk warrior to a businesswoman with passive income generating, $10K+ a month business using 12 Financial Power Tools


You are a possibility thinker. You believe you can achieve. You are working for generational wealth. You are worthy of better opportunities. This where 12 Financial Power tools come in. You deserve to make more money, reach your goals, and live your dream life. The key? A tailored money map, using 12 Financial Power Tools that helps you see how to achieve financial success. Not all financial plans are created equal. Use the workbook to find your $100k money map…You know, the one that can finance your passion and build your bank account!
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